“After University” follows the story of a struggling university graduate facing unemployment. Unexpectedly, fate leads the character to their uncle’s dilapidated doner restaurant in a new city. Prepare to immerse yourself in the challenges and adventures that unfold as you embark on this captivating journey.
Table Of Contents:
- Name: After University
- Developer: For Fun Games
- Publisher: For Fun Games
- Release Date: 6 Oct, 2023
- Genre: Building, Management, Open World, Casual, Simulation
✦Game Overview:
“After University” immerses players in the tumultuous journey of a recent graduate facing the harsh realities of unemployment and familial disappointment. In this narrative-driven game, players assume the role of the protagonist, grappling with the challenges of revitalizing their uncle’s forgotten doner restaurant in a bustling city. As they navigate the intricacies of running the eatery, players encounter a vibrant cast of characters, each with their own compelling stories and distinct personalities. Balancing the demands of managing the restaurant, solving culinary puzzles, and fostering relationships, players embark on a heartfelt quest to achieve career success, find love, and earn respect. Through its engaging storytelling and captivating gameplay, “After University” offers players a relatable and entertaining experience that captures the essence of post-graduation life, blending humor, friendship, and the joy of culinary exploration.
✦ Video game:
✦ System Requirement:
- OS: Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core i3 2100 or AMD equivalent
- Memory: 4 GB RAM
- Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 750
Recommended :
- OS: Windows 10
- Processor: Intel i5-2550K, 3.4 GHz or AMD equivalent
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: GeForce GTX 970 or Radeon R9 290X
✦ How To Install:
- 1. Extract/Install.
- 2. Crack if needed.
- 3. Play game.
- 4. Have fun ^^.